Our Next 25 Years: The Impact Continues

Thank you for helping Movin' Out to celebrate 25 years of impact in Wisconsin. This past year has certainly highlighted the importance of safe, affordable housing for people with disabilities. Thank you for being a partner with us in this mission.

We are grateful to have been chosen to work with Big Dreamers United, who bring to life the work of local nonprofit organizations through video. We think they did a stellar job in helping us tell our story through the voices of friends and people we've served. Please join us in recognizing our achievements so far, and help us continue our impacts into the future by sharing our mission with others in your network.

At Movin’ Out, we believe that everyone deserves a home where they can thrive. We believe that stable housing is the key to living a healthier life. And we believe that when housing works well, everything else in life can be a little easier — work, education, transportation and more. It all adds up to improved well-being and more resilient communities.

Kathryne Auerback